Thursday, February 28, 2008

Another day in the land of the stupid. But a least it sunny out.

Well Here I sit waiting for my love she went to the eye clinic.. I hope she is ok.. it is a beauty day out the sun is shining..

Last night the land of the the stupid was more of the same EvPe gave her talk people where skipping questions on a suvery.. that is nuts.. Also "he who likes to hear him self boy" is getting to a pain in the neck.. he thinks he so cool. was bad mouthing LiMc JoSm who her cousin,, oops he not as smart as he thinks..

here is my love.,all is well it great she is my life now,, I am soo happy.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Life goes on and spring in the air

Well ... the land of stupid is there.. It was funny yesterday the thin lady was normal because one of the front managers were there 'LiMc' is a very strong lady. LiMc has a no bullish way about her and that way at times which is good in the land of stupid. But I think a times being the bond of the land of stupid is tough on her.

My co workers were making comments on how they want to meet my love.. If they only knew the truth.. lol..

I told my love that I so happy right now my life is going great. She has a big part in it.. The land of stupid is more barable knowing that she is in my life..

My love fell the other day getting on to a bus. Hurt her self pretty good,, I felt her pain it was tough on me to see her in pain..

My love mention today that honeymoon is over when it comes to x between we are planning it when we will do it next before we just did it.. How true but I In more in love with her now than before and the work in relationship is on going. There much more to a relationship than x ..

My going to play with the team on thursday night for the 1st time in month i hope I donot screw up to badly.

One of my team mates said that marriage is goin thru soem troubles it sad to see that .. they been together for since university now it tough to see.. why does this happen..I am alaways worried in the back of my mind that me and my love will grow apart becuase she can do so much better than me .. i she may wake up on day say hey i gone.. found someone better.. because i am not perfect I will try to make she day in our relationship better than the last day. because I do love this great wonderful lady so much.

On a sad note MyPLu lost his mother the other day I am sorry for his lost.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

A day off

I am sitting at my love's computer listing her singing in her kithen. Music is very big part of her life and also cooking and baking.. which is very old fashion for a lady who is so modern in other ways. This why amases me everyday and I fall more in love with her more and more every day.

Last night the land of the Stupid was more of the same the thin lady turned off the lights so that interviewers could see the moon go thru a lunar esplice it was dumb because people were trying to work.. EVPE was also a mood because she had to go for test today. And there are groups.. going on .. the Dialer went down .. lol

Wrong files in the wrong place,, how much did that cost the company??

JoHa and ShCa were on the bus did not see me and my love get on together,, or at least that is my story..


life is funny ! IT is so wonderful..

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Another day in the land of the stupid.

"news talk radio" Rants about various things Canada labour code ... downtown dive hotel, getting their lic to sell boozes .. today the day after a long weekend.. time to do things like wash things and then get ready for work with my love,, in the land of the stupid.. once again have to deal with thin lady.. the latin lover... He who yells .. The one arm man .. he who walks like a woman.. the girl with no self control.. the rest of the wacky folks of the land of stupid.

My boss did not have to give the day off because we are under the federal labour code she did not have to. But she didnot want to pay time in half. So we got a day off ..

The buliding we work in is getting chnages to it.. The works are dumber than bag of hammers.. they fit in to land of the stupid.

My personal life is great and my love is the best thing that has happen to me everyday is better than the next..How did I get so lucky??

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Not so Early AM rant con't

IT is now 8:30am

I am up after going back to bed for an 1hr and half extra sleep.. Watching the am sky is a light red looks wonderful ... Just thinking I am lucky guy... Also
Why didnot I leave a tip last night at that cafe. It is really bad because I like the food. I feel like a such fool..

Just heard a commerical for a sport talk show " Voice says there is more people watching North America football than hockey.. he is correct football is very set run the play.. the run another play ..then run another play.. but hockey is thinking on your feet.. But he forgot "Soccer" or the true football the beautiful game ... the only game in the world thinking on feet is a must and you must have eyes in the back of your head watching the whole field ... where all the parts of a team work together... the game that is watched by the world..played by the other half.. at least in my opinion ..No dear ..I donot have an evidence to that fact..

Up early ..Now I am a going to rant..

Well it is 5:56 am I am up why? Happy V'day


Turn on the radio to Talk Tadio ..the lead story is the mall guy putting money into provinice ..My question is the 1st nations started to sell them selves out?

Another cold day -27 with the wind -34 .. then I hear on Talk Radio ot will be rain on Friday ?? What is up with?

Baseball superstar..taking Drugs..he says No.. why is the US congress worried about this donot they have an ecomony that is in trouble... Why are they doing there job.

Here in this counrty the offical oppostion is working with The PM to find a soultion.. about our mission over seas.. Good we are not ready for a election..

I am going back to the land of stupid.. there will be more tales of one arm man , he who yells,the thin lady..and the management who does not talk to each other..

Major rail company will be affecting the rail car movement which will effect the movement of cars to the west coast in the middle of the crop year.. there will more in shipping cost to the farmer..

Also I am spending time at my loves place tonight.. Why am I just getting comfortable there sometimes why do I get a strange feeling there.. dust .. cat hair .. maybe...or is it just me I am too in flexable..

Well I going to be up for a while maybe I sleep later.

Questions.. Questions ..

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

More tales From the land of Stupid! and love

Well I went to work yesterday on one of my days off.. I once I am amamzed with the land of stupid.. There is one arm man who kept looking at my love, I was going to snap him .. because he is a wacko.
There ShCa who was mad at "he who yells" . Because he was reading a book at his station a novel I think and the thin lady did not notice she was sitiing 20 feet away. Also the the one wears dark glasses JoHo who thinks he cool. And screw with the man by logging in not starting to dial until 10 to 15 mins late. And Man who wants to be girl, was playing with his lighter, at his station. the friend of the man who wants to be a girl.. tell people on the phone that cigs only cost 10 cents the biggest cost is that there is so much tax on cigs..

I also MSn the boss lady about being a person who runs a focus group. She said she will get back to me.. the thin lady came to the desk and Was wondering why I msn the boss lady. She is a nosey woman .. To bad she does spend that much time watching the call centre..and the inmates in it.

Back to reality .. today is the 4th month of my love and me being together.. it has been wonderful we are planning to go to dinner,, also an early valentine day present wooooooooo.. At least this part of my life is good and wonderful .. Thank God.. this keeps me real.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Well my love went to school today off to her art class. She said she will back later in the day. I little part of my heart leaves with her every time she goes away. I am always amazed by this woman. How much she loves me. I know it is not easy for her to go back forth between two houses. I thank the all mighty that he or she has given me her in my life. ... That is why when every I hear a noise in the house I worry that she is hurt. I know it gets to her because she told me. I will try to be better. But my love is special to me part of me feels that I have to protect her her from harm. I know that is so old fashion and she not made of glass. But sometimes I cannot help my self. My love also said I was a trouble maker when it comes to the issue about the question i asked about the team . What we Are doing for outdoor, I know she was joking... I hope I care about this part of my life it has been there for 25 yrs or more . I would like it to go on,, it brought a lot of joy to my life and still does ... But my priorities has changed in this life now I am growing up I guess .. At work it more the same the "latin lover" had bday he was in for a half shift the thin lady came in and was the same not a thing changes.. No staff .. EvPe does what she wants it all seems crazy.. Well back to reality .. Time wash stuff dishes and bedding etc.. Wow it is a day off..

Friday, February 8, 2008

Day after and night before

My love came over last night which is always wonderful.And This AM was good too. Then we had our talk about money, it was a case to see that we are both on the same page Which we are. Now we are off to go for food...Also she suprised me with lising to the guy on the radio who knows all..

As for work it was really quiet the thin lady was not there. The latin lover was supervisor along with me.. "EvPe" brought down a new rule about back to back talking, it is now allowed but knowone did it. We see how production is affected when the thin lady is there. The yelling man was late and tried to pull a fast one about gooing early.. but over all it was really quiet. So it was a nice change. i see what today will bring

Thursday, February 7, 2008

New day ... more of the same..

Well last night was more of the same.. thin lady was sleeping at her station this supervisor was on the phones with the rest of us, but spent more time walking around looking for trouble.. the lady who got a job offer "SHCA"will work one 1/2 hr less maybe she will go the other place the Yelling man is stll a pain the ass,, he does not get that no one likes him..

my love and I are going to have a discussion about money,,on friday both of us dont have much of it so it going to be short..

On the election front,, the present federal government will over throw it self.. a force a general election.. I think so our party is not ready.. we are going to get our ass kicked..

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Stories of my work place..

I saw the quote this A.M.

Dance like it hurts,/ Love like you need money,/ Work when people are watching.
- Scott Adams

This quote is an intersting one. I was brought up to give eveything 100% in what I do. So I am always trying to do more.To do best at work , soccer and my relationships. So with quote make me think of the people of where I work. I have to blog about what happen at my work place the last day or two. I still shake my head at the people I work with.
For example the one are man he was bragging up on how he was arrested on Monday because the police told him that he was driving with undue care and attention and without a drives lic. He told an other co-worker it was me it was someone stole my ID.
Also there is a woman asking for more hrs because she said that she had no food in the house. A few days earlier She told me the her rent is going up again and her and her husband cannot keep up. Also another co worker told me that how she got a job offer to work a night shift from 11pm to 7am for more money, she thinking of doing it because she would have a little less wait for the bus. But this is a place daughter works now after she left our place.
Then there the man who yells at work.. He is always angery or making dumb comments to people. He has no friends at work does not see that he is apain in the ass and sad little person, And finally there is the the thin lady she falling asleep at supervsior desk and we are calling to time zones that should be shut off in eastern canada which is two hrs different than we are,. When she asked about what was going on by a interviewer all she says I am thinking that computer system is not working .. When I know for a fact You have to mannally shut off the time zones.. It seems the owner of company does not know what is going on or does not care she put the business in the hands of Evpe who very nice person but does not have a head for business, and is a sucker for any story.. So amazes that this place still in business at times. I wonder what is like to work in a work place that runs right. It is all to funny ..Before I met my love I would be upset with whole place. Now I just shake my head and Do my job as best as I can. And let the chips fall where they may . If asked I will give opinion ..

Another front federal election in the air again.. and no one to runin our seat tuned for this soap opera. Time to go and have a coffee. I am up early and it going to be another long day.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Getting back to life! Other ramdom thoughts

After being sick, I am getting things back normal or as normal as my life will have it.My love went to school today at left my house for the next two days or so. It is an empty feeling when she gone. We have been together only 4 mths but it seems like a life time when she is gone it feels like I lost a part of me. Also I my getting over a head cold I missed soccer last night. Last night a Part of me want me to be with the team and the smart part of me knew that it was rest is what I needed. This team Is a part of my life over 25 yrs or so it help me get thru alot. Death of my mom also help shape me to the person I am today. By letting feel a part of something. Growing up I as lonely kid because I was out cast in lot of ways. Sports help me to form friendship taught how to work with others and seek out a get a common goal and showed me how work to get it. It also help me out of my shell . As a kid I had very low selfesteem.Which the team help me got over in some ways.. I am a lot better than I was but there are days where I self esteem problems feeling that I have not gotton any where in my life. Also this team help me develop leadership skills that I never knew that I had. And the self awareness to do new things, Like this blog and running in the election... I love beeing part of the team.. But in last year or so I have been thinking of quitting the team because the fun is still there when I am with the team, but I think that I have out grown that need in someway..and now I have new thing that drives me . It is my relationship with my love all my decisions in my life from here to the end of my life will depends on how it will effect us. Also it nice to have someone to bounds things off. Her smart way of looking at things and her different view on things helps .She much more rational than I am it seems where I react first then looks at the fall out. Which seems to be the way I lived my life. Now I have to think first then react because my decision will affect someone I love so much. This is very good it has made me a calmer person. also a person that is not so selfish.

On a different note to South of us in that big country they have somthing called Super Tuesday.. What a werid process they have to pick the next leader of the free world. The real election is not until Nov. I wonder if those are real poor in the great giant of a country really care about the process?

In my counrty of Canada your process is so simple from election to election you can choose the best person not vote a certain party it seems our system is alot more serect ..I think..

I fired off a letter to soccer board yesterday to ask them to look at how they running the masters soccer progam. The "game" is the most inportant thing I feel that the new board has forgotton that they are the stewarts of the game and they should only make changes when is needed not because they want to. Look at how the game is being affected by teams getting killed by losing to teams that way out of there league. The " game 'is base on fun..

Monday, February 4, 2008

I am learning many things

I am learning about this world of blogging.. Also learning how to edit and learning that I am not as smart as I thought. This blogging is a lot tougher than it looks .. It seems my love is a good blogger that goes and uses them every day. I am going to learn from her. My goal with blog is to leave my mark in this world. To make sure I am expressing my feeling to others. So that they know the real me behind the masks.So today , I am sick.. my love went off to school.. I am still amazed that a smart wonderful woman like her was not snapped up long before and she let me into her life, I am still in Wow every time a look at her and think about this relationship. it seems so good to me I am sometimes lost for words. I am learning about relationship everyday how much work it takes the give and take. This tough for someone like me who has been alone for a long time. And some grew up be a little selfself .. I get worried sometime time that I will screw up this relationship some how. It seems to me that when my life is good I find a way to screw it up and lose it . But I am going to my best to keep this relationship going. I love the fact that I have her in life and someone there. I guess that is why I am in WOW so much every day. So happy..

On a different area of my life.. It is my friend's LaVa brithday coming up in a few days. I know LaVa on and off for years. I got a MSN from her the one day she said that I have changed, I guess I have . I have changed my focus in life to be one from me to us..and looking at things in more rational way I guess. Others have said i am more calmer too I owe all this to my love.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sick on Superbowl Sunday

Being sick at the best of time is not good. but being sick today when we had plans to go out really bad. But My love is looing afterme everyday it amazes me how much she loves me how did i get this lucky. She is the best .. it was a very special time we were in bed and then said the old fashion wedding vows " in sicker or poorer....etc.. I got really misty from it. It was a very special moment. Wow!

This AM I got a mail that the one guy who was thinking running for the us in the election maybe getting cold feet.. Ouch... I was ask to damage control.. How the hell am i going to this being sick?? I send a email.

Work is still a weird and wacky palace.. There is not talking among the staff or management.. Some classes in commucation is need. Which is funny for a call centre.. That there is No Commucation.

Saturday, February 2, 2008


it is -21 and I thinking it is warm out. Also i am sick but still going to work .. I must be nuts bk to work with the rail lady..this woman got major issues... she has more moods than a mood ring.. then out tonight with my love and 2 friends .. I hope I can make it..

Friday, February 1, 2008

Too many things to comment on..

The first things has to deal with Gov't disbands disabilities council why heck is that all about why is there NO media On this?? Why has the government come forth? Is government by Order in Council..??

The talk radio shows making hay of 2 dead kids . .. would it be news if they Non 1st nations.. .... it is a sad thing that they died? Why are we not going after the root causes.. Addressing those problems asking questions there??

The rumours of my losing power at work even the co supervisor are spearding rumours.. i gues they need something to talk about...