Thursday, February 14, 2008

Up early ..Now I am a going to rant..

Well it is 5:56 am I am up why? Happy V'day


Turn on the radio to Talk Tadio ..the lead story is the mall guy putting money into provinice ..My question is the 1st nations started to sell them selves out?

Another cold day -27 with the wind -34 .. then I hear on Talk Radio ot will be rain on Friday ?? What is up with?

Baseball superstar..taking Drugs..he says No.. why is the US congress worried about this donot they have an ecomony that is in trouble... Why are they doing there job.

Here in this counrty the offical oppostion is working with The PM to find a soultion.. about our mission over seas.. Good we are not ready for a election..

I am going back to the land of stupid.. there will be more tales of one arm man , he who yells,the thin lady..and the management who does not talk to each other..

Major rail company will be affecting the rail car movement which will effect the movement of cars to the west coast in the middle of the crop year.. there will more in shipping cost to the farmer..

Also I am spending time at my loves place tonight.. Why am I just getting comfortable there sometimes why do I get a strange feeling there.. dust .. cat hair .. maybe...or is it just me I am too in flexable..

Well I going to be up for a while maybe I sleep later.

Questions.. Questions ..

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