Monday, March 3, 2008

What a way to start a day!

Today was a great way to start the day . I wake up to my love and I won a a pair tickets to
Mark Knopfler of Dire Straits by answering this question top 100 guitarist by rolling stones on the news talk radio.. Cool.... Also talking to my love about a wedding that we are going to.. in June.. also us moving in together slowly ,... Wow my life is so cool..

I had a dream that "my love came to me in a dream last night and asked me If I had any regrets about our relationship.. I woke up before I could answer in the dream . my answer would be "NO WAY I Love this!!!!" So i told my love this AM .. I am so Lucky..

Also I heard that Jeff Healy died what lost to Canada and Music world he was great.."god bless his Family"

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