Sunday, March 30, 2008

The last few days

Well another b'day has pasted. i had a great time celebrating my 48 yr, on this earth but the last 6mths has been the best my lov has been in my life it has been great. Her daughter got a ring last night .. Mom was really happy so was I . I told my lov that there both lucky woman they both got great guys lol... I know that my lov daughter got a grweat guy. On occasion I am not too bad my self. Also i am really lost about two events in my life one to do with the 20th street project,, the government going back on the former government promise of 8 million dollars, sure it was a polictical move but it is a nessary one. The present leader of our province says let business do there job .. well I hate to be the one to tell "our leader of the new Sask" but business was not doing there job no food store here.. No libary etc..I started a facbook .. there was one in some told me i ran a search in face book nothing came up so i started one.. The more people know about it the better I say..

Also EvOz still is making trouble in "The Party" stop burning bridges boy"

Monday, March 24, 2008

The big melt of 2008

Well I am I figure 200.00 bucks poorer because I forgot to turm the the deep freeze braker.. How is that for dumb.. but my love was really nice and cool. she kept her head. Wow I am lucky..

Back to work in the land in stupid today every day it seems dumber than the last.. LOL

The thin lady is sleeping at her station " he who yells" still runs away to bathroom because of his condition the the boss lady never comes in does thru the internet the front office staff is lost..

The next great PM wants to be a liberal ... Is our party going to do any thing aabout this ??

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

When is a problem a problem?

I am sitting here looking at a great almost spring day. Listing to the newspaper are making it issue of the fact that there are know cabs in Saskatoon.. it been a issue in the city for a 1 and 1/2 also making it a issues that a tunnel on the west side is a gang hang out.. that was a problem from 2 yrs ago when my buddy "sir Alex " got hit on the hit head by goog. Also the Mayor of Winsdor is talking about senting people to Saskatoon to work.. hey we got jobs.. They do not why not? people leaving the land of stupid.. for the land of "Martix" crazy say the old saying goes money talks and bull shit walks.....a problem is only a problem when it happen to rich..or those in power....


Day off

Well I am up after my love went to school. I can see the stress in face ..She said that could not sleep much last night. It bugs me I cannot do any thing to make her better. I just be there for her in support that is why I am up. I hope that is enough for her i wish I can do more.

My love is talking to bring over her cats then it will be great. I broke down the other night thinking about we will be a family.. Wow it is so cool....

At the land stupid " money' seem to the big issue and day work.. EvPE is upset that her two superstars moved to a another company.. more money is the issue and hrs the land stupid needs to start sell it self and go big or go home and stop hiring stupid people. Maybe it is time somebody new to be en charge of hiring funny I am now longer a superior in name alone but i am doing everything,, I did before..HA Ha!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Even the smart say stupid things..

I am sitting here a little blue. Looking out my window a sunrise.. Last I night I said some stupid about date rape. It really affected my love I felt really bad. I am a see my self as an enlighten guy with a really respecr of woman. My comments were really bad. And dumb.. I am not a perfect as i thought..

On different topic.. The News talk radio is making hay about the preimer letting his daughter drive a car under age.. Oh my God is this only thing the opposition can rant about.. And the media this a major news story??

The land stupid is losing people left and right.. for more money.. what ever.. what really got me up set. Is that the people who are senior in the land of stupid are be punished because they are doing other things ie groups...

Life goes on.. some times I fall ..

Monday, March 10, 2008

A day off

A day off was really busy and wonderful . It started with a nice walk except for hMy love falling on ice.. and a car getting her wet by going by and hitting a bunch of standing I worry about her when she falls that she will hurt her self. . Then a nice lunch. then off to my love's house. Then a lecture at the library on sex trade . which my love's sister was there too. I was watching her rub her hands i hope it was not a visit from "artis" I know that their mother had it . it would be a shame if the she could not paint any more the world would be robbed from such a talented person. then a coffee and art viewing a coffee shop of someone I know.. We live a city with a lot of talent people . then supper with good friends.. it was a good day.. We got up early this AM my love is getting stressed about her papers and end of the term.. Not Much I can say to her I hate to see her stressed. I been there..all a can do is be there for her..Sometimes I wish I had tha ability to say something that can make her feel better.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

The coming out party!

On Friday I was told by the boss in of the land of stupid to let people know about my "my Love'
So I told the senior management staff. I almost had pride in telling who it was. i was a weigh of my mind. Something I cannot hind from my love she ready can read my mind at times.. She great lady..It another reason why I am so happy.

Also last night the "Party" came out a named a interim leader. The New God father of the Sask "Party" will do a good job.. There is strange earlier in the week he told me that he did not want the job. LOL...

Life fun and wonderful... and my love is a big part of it..

Thursday, March 6, 2008

What this is news.. Now?

Ok.. there is cab shortage in Saskatoon .. Wow this a problem this has been a problem in Saskatoon the last year in half not it is major news because a city councilor could not get a cab .It has been a problem on the west side because a rich northender could not get a cab to the airport now it a problem.. Not enough people to fill the the cabs ... the F..labour shortage in Saskatoon ..

The land of stupid is a prefect example of has hired some dumb people.. not we are getting back the queen of gossip what is EvPE thinking..

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Day after the night before

Ouch... My keen hurts it another visit from "ART" pills donot help... playing 6 games in one month is dumb too.. this not right.

I came home early this A.M. "my love" was here sleeping.. that is great to come home to nice warm body..

I felt bad this AM 'my love went to school I didn't see her off only happen a couple times I feel bad.

IT looks like Black man running for pres against a old guy.. No woman president.. too bad the USA is not really for that.. They rather see a Black president..or Johnny McCain..

The land of stupid is still stupid Evpe was lost.... too much too she cannot handle doing to may task at once.. the thin lady still has no idea of what she doing.. Also she does not listen hear what she wants when she wants... the one arm man is hitting the bottle again and also using drugs he stoned out of his mind.. came to work and the Marx brothers were all goofy yesterday.. the leader of the gang is he likes to hear himself talk..

Spring is coming.. new hrs for the land of stupid.... for Saturday thank GOD!! also 3pm to 10:30 during the week and Saturday.. 11 to 7:30 and on Sunday 11 to 6:30


Monday, March 3, 2008

What a way to start a day!

Today was a great way to start the day . I wake up to my love and I won a a pair tickets to
Mark Knopfler of Dire Straits by answering this question top 100 guitarist by rolling stones on the news talk radio.. Cool.... Also talking to my love about a wedding that we are going to.. in June.. also us moving in together slowly ,... Wow my life is so cool..

I had a dream that "my love came to me in a dream last night and asked me If I had any regrets about our relationship.. I woke up before I could answer in the dream . my answer would be "NO WAY I Love this!!!!" So i told my love this AM .. I am so Lucky..

Also I heard that Jeff Healy died what lost to Canada and Music world he was great.."god bless his Family"