WELL the federal liberal got our ass handed to us on election night. We as liberal party got kicked. We lost touch with the voters of Canada, Not just a little bit but a lot. What was it reason was it Iggy or was it because the sponsorship sandal or GUN CONTROL OR the NATIONAL ENERGY PROGRAM or was it we be became fat lazy as a party. As my friend EVO would say there to many cocktail liberals in the party. Our party does not have too many people who want to work. They rather Just throw money at things. so the avg voters see us as the party of the rich .And of those you say I know what is problem and I will fix it if you listen to me.
As someone who has worked in every election in different ways over the yrs. It has become noticeable that there are to many liberals that forgot what it take to WIN an election. That is hard work and do the work. so the federal liberal party doomed . No but is going to take a while to figure it out that we must listen to the voters and make it look like to them that we are telling them what to do. We must re correct with Western Canada, Then we will back as a national party. Not a rump party based in TO. Are we going to do it. I am not sure the mind is willing but the body is weak. I am know I am going my damnist to bring it back. UP there has to people willing to help.And helping is not just sitting on your ass and crying the blues . The work begins Now get over the election. Set the rules and let uson get with. This rebulit starts now. Get in tough with avg peerson go a listen to them. Do not hide.
#elxn42 underway
Although political blog traffic goes way up during an election campaign, I
haven’t put anything on my blog since the writ dropped. That’s partly
because I ...
9 years ago